


What Matters Most When You're
Running Out of Time

What Matters Most When You're
Running Out of Time

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"Ryan is an amazing, helpful, professional, and truly gifted coach. He has the experience to teach with confidence and listens without judgment. He grasps the important concepts of both 'start where the client is' as well as what 'life-long, sustainable change' really looks like."

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Everyone wants the perfect formula to stick to personal change, and there is no shortage of self-help books to tell them about the best method to save time or find that elusive success they spend so much time chasing (and is never enough). Perhaps they’ve “read all the books.” They just aren’t doing it.

The Half-Known Life challenges conventional thinking of success, identity, and personal change. 

Most often, truly profound life change happens following events that shake people to their core—a car accident, death of a family member, or a cardiac arrest event that forces the emergence of clarity. Priorities change when time becomes precious.

Ryan Lindner, who is managing his own chronic health condition that emerged after a sudden cardiac arrest event, draws on his experience to support his work as a behavioral coach in an emotionally driven exploration of what matters most in life.


The Half-Known Life:

What Matters Most When You're Running Out of Time

“I’m going down now,” I said to a young woman a few seconds before the darkness—my first cardiac arrest. As I returned to work as a behavioral coach, it became maddening to hear, for the ten-thousandth time, about all-consuming, everyday problems and misguided priorities while I fought to merely remain conscious.

The Half-Known Life challenges conventional thinking of success, identity, and personal change. Most often, truly profound change happens following events that shake someone to their core—a car accident, death of a family member, or cardiac arrest that pulls them into a moment of clarity.

Priorities change when time becomes precious.

Problems look different when you have no energy left to give them. After all, marathon runners don’t say much on mile twenty; they choose to breathe. And all I have to give is channeled into each moment that I am awake and I, too, choose to breathe.

Why wait until you’re burnt out or for a life-changing event to occur before getting real about your life? Who are you when all of the accolades and accomplishments are gone? You can master time management, but what does how you manage that time say about what’s important to you—about what matters most?

Get out of your head and get into your life
before it slips away.

About Ryan Lindner

Ryan Lindner is a personal development specialist who has worked as a behavioral coach for clients and top organizations worldwide. After two sudden, unexplained cardiac arrests at a young age, he began to explore different perspectives with clients that come with any profound, life-changing event. If you aren’t living, you’re dying. It wasn’t uncommon for Ryan to teeter on unconsciousness even, at times, while working with a client, requiring him to prioritize his energy and time masterfully, and assisting clients to do the same. Ryan enjoys his time with his family and animals and finds peace near his favorite spots by the beach.

What People Are Saying

I’m so grateful to Ryan. He has helped me overcome so many challenges and to see my blind spots. I definitely recommend that others take advantage of his programs for any life change.


My initial meeting with Ryan was spectacular. He was very engaged and asked a variety of questions that made me feel comfortable. Additionally, Ryan was very focused on understanding my goals as well as helping me reach them. Working with Ryan has helped me move forward in ways I never have.


Ryan’s energy is contagious. I have really enjoyed his classes. Thank you so much!



White glove service,

Ryan, all the way! 


Ryan, I was struck by the detailed and truly grateful comments that were submitted about you and the magnificent coaching you are providing. Thank you for the extraordinary coaching and caring that you consistently display.


Ryan is an amazing, helpful, professional, and truly gifted coach. He has the experience to teach with confidence and listens without judgment. He grasps the important concepts of both “start where the client is” as well as what “life-long, sustainable change” really looks like. Ryan looks at the larger picture, not just diet and what the scale says, and has really helped me to lean about my overall health, both mental and physical. I am learning to reframe, relax, and feel better about my life overall, and see all the things that I’m doing right – regardless of whether I’ll ever look like my teenaged self again…maybe, maybe not! I find myself quoting him to others frequently. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for real life change, not just a quick fix. I wish that more health and wellness professionals (and mental health folks for that matter) were able to see and teach the world the way he does. Do whatever you need to in order to keep him on your staff! 
Ryan was great; he listened to what I needed and catered the sessions to help my specific needs. He’s great, and I appreciate all he did to help!
I would recommend you to anyone in a second. I was with my support group yesterday and your name was praised all over the place.
I may have to bottle you and keep you on a shelf in my living room.  Just sayin’.
Ryan was my coach and he was exceptional at his job. I believe it’s because this is not just a job for him but this is who he is as a person. He was very sensitive to my needs, very perceptive and always wanting to help me more. He was extremely easy to talk to, very positive and he is a great listener, which is good because I have a tendency to go on and on. Yet, he always had a polite way of getting our conversations back on track. I started off wanting coaching to help me get through the first semester of my graduate program in Seminary. But Ryan helped me with so much more than that. Our first session was Nov 1, 2014 and today Dec 16, 2014 is the last day of class for my first semester. I can honestly say that over the last 7 weeks my life has drastically improved; I am so much better off than I was before I started with coaching and Ryan is a big part of that. He has a way about himself, where he motivated me without ever telling me what I should do or giving me advice (I am really bad about this by the way). He was open about his own life and experiences and how he operates which in turned motivated me to action with things such as time management, decluttering my inbox and home mail, as well as striving to stay on time with my school work. I looked forward to his call every week and I will miss our conversations, mainly because he was so encouraging, upbeat and consistent. My take away is that I will stay on track with what I gained from him, which is a lot. He is very personable, while remaining professional and focused. I am so thankful to Military One Source for “all” the services that I have received. Thank you so much for all that you do for active duty members and military retirees. And thank you so much Ryan for helping me through my first semester in Seminary!! You are the best coach ever!!! You really are awesome!!!
Ryan Lindner is an excellent coach. The quality of my life has improved drastically since working with him. I am very grateful for all of the services that I received and am still receiving.

Hello Ryan,

I am back to work and just wanted to take a moment to check on you. I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciated you taking time out of your life to meet with me.

I’d like to stay in touch with you if you don’t mind. It would be nice to have someone as my own coach. Or at least a friend who has no preconceived ideas of who I am. No pressure on your part but you are one amazing young man. Your potential is extraordinary. I pray that your heart stays healthy and strong and that you will leave behind a legacy of greatness, rich in love and compassion.

– Susan

I LOVE Ryan Lindner! I cannot express enough how much of an impact on my life Ryan has had. I called and tried a psychiatrist first, but she was very negative and I never saw her again. I had the opportunity of working with Ryan and my life has never been the same. For the first month or so of working with him I did nothing but cry and he listened to me and helped me gain perspective and control over my life! I was changing my way of life. My confidence has grown tenfold since then. I had my last phone call with Ryan today (my year is up) and cried again, but this time because I am so happy to be at the place I am in life and sad because I’ll miss my cheerleader! He taught me that I could do it all on my own and helped me prove it to myself. If it’s not evident yet, I cannot say enough incredible things about Ryan, the man that (after 30 years of stubbornness) was able to change me completely and for the better.

The Half-Known Life:

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